By Jim Ingersoll
What’s the #1 reason most people aren’t able to
make enough profitable deals in their real estate
investment program?
At our live events and during our coaching calls,
David Phelps and I teach and answer questions on a lot of
strategies concerning deal-structure and creative
financing techniques…
That’s because we know that real wealth and cash
flow is made faster and with less risk through
leveraging these techniques than spending
inordinate amounts of time and money on
rehabbing property and becoming full-time
And with all of the opportunity in the market today,
why isn’t everyone making as many good deals as< /span>
they want?
Answer: “they fail to play the numbers.”
Making profitable real estate deals requires a
level of education and knowledge – no question.
But where most investors fail is that they don’t
make enough offers! It’s all a numbers game!
If you don’t have a system to enable you to
quickly and efficiently make numerous offers
every week, then all of the knowledge in the
world won’t make you a successful real estate
You won’t want to miss our next coaching call:
Wednesday, June 20th
9:00 p.m. Eastern time / 8:00 p.m. Central Time
Option #1
Call in to listen on our conference line
Phone Number: (206) 402-0100
Pin Code: 694793#
Option #2
Listen online t hrough the webcast here
Free Real Estate Training Call
We’ll have a special guest, “Mr. X” who will show you
exactly how he created the lead generation funnel and
multiple offer system that allowed him to do hundreds
of profitable transactions.
To your freedom,
P.S. You always have the backing of David and I
when you get stuck with any particular deal
structure – but we can’t help you if you don’t
have deal flow and are not making offers. Get
the advantage on our next call on June 20th!
P.P.S. Don’t forget to put August 17-18 on
your calendar – The Ultimate Freedom Without
Banks Bootcamp & REGISTER NOW to get the Bonus’s!
Ultimate Freedom Without Banks Bootcamp