Are You Playing By The Numbers?

By Jim Ingersoll What’s the #1 reason most people aren’t able to make enough profitable deals in their real estate investment program? At our live events and during our coaching calls, David Phelps and I teach and answer questions on a lot of strategies...

Flipping Houses Step By Step

By Jim Ingersoll Flipping houses looks so fun and easy on TV!  What is it like in real life? This is a house we bought and sold retail (flipped).  Have you tried it?  Leave me your comments below on what went right and what went wrong!  When everything goes right you...

Getting off to a great start

By Jim Ingersoll Getting off to a great start is always important.  The summer Olympics are coming up this summer in London, England.  The athletes are preparing now and will be ready to roll.  The track and swimmers are especially keen on the importance of getting...