How to protect your assets and create privacy in your deals with Walter Wofford.

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We talk a lot about find deals, doing deals and building your assets to create the life you want but what could go wrong? Are you one dog bite away from losing your freedom?

I sat down with Walter Wofford for the discussion on privacy and asset control and we dug deep into using land trusts, personal property trusts and more to protect your assets.

For Walter real estate began as a sophomore in college when he would knock on doors on the houses around the college he attended. He found a 5 unit apartment building and negotiated to buy it for $32,500 but did not quite have what was needed to close that very first deal but it taught him about the power of leveraging real estate deals. His first 17 real estate deals were all $2,000 down and the owner provided the remainder of the financing for him! He then began to accumulate rental properties with bank financing and that was great until the dog bit the meter reader….

Trusts provide privacy and effectively separate all of your investment assets. They are not hard to use and provide tremendous privacy in your deals as a trustee is used to hold title and the trust agreement is not recorded at the courthouse.

Under what circumstances would you not like the public to know that you own a property?

Be sure to check out Walters new site at:

You can sign up for Financial Friends Network and get info on all upcoming events including Trust Firewalls in Jackson, MS.

What are the benefits of using trusts?

1. Privacy – Keep your name and LLC out of public records
2. Liens and judgements
3. Probate benefits
4. Sell the entity, not the property
5. Personal property trusts for IRAs, cars, boats, etc

Get to know Walter Wofford: Since 1981 Walter Wofford has been an active real estate investor in the Jackson, MS area. He specializes in developing passive income by creating tax-free net worth and cash flow through seller financing in the affordable housing area. These methods combine note creation, IRA and Retirement Account investing with Trust Entities creating cash flow and building net worth. And creating profits for both today and in the future . . . tax-free.

As an investor, Walter has bought and sold over 1000 houses and renovated neighborhoods in the central Mississippi area. Combining wholesaling, retailing and IRA investing provides an unbeatable strategy for today . . . and it can be successfully used in all areas of the country.

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